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The logo for Berkley for  johnson city school board is a green hexagon with a tree in it.

Ryan Berkley for Johnson City School Board

Innovating Education for Tomorrow

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About Ryan

Ryan Berkley, a lifelong resident of East Tennessee and the owner of B&B Filters in Johnson City, brings a unique blend of entrepreneurial spirit and technical expertise to his campaign for the local school board. Holding a B.S. in Computing from East Tennessee State University and a background as a software developer, Ryan is well-versed in the technological advancements effecting today's educational landscape. Growing up in Dayton, Tennessee, he experienced firsthand the challenges posed by inadequate educational resources. Now, as the father of two young boys, Ryan is driven by the urgent need to develop policies that will lay a strong foundation for the future of local education, ensuring that all students have access to the opportunities necessary for success.

A Letter From The Candidate

Hello friends and neighbors,

I'm Ryan Berkley, and I'm running for a position on our school board because I believe in a future where every child has access to the best educational tools and a learning environment that fosters creativity and critical thinking.

As we stand on the brink of a new era dominated by AI and technological advancements, our educational policies must evolve. I am committed to spearheading initiatives to responsibly integrate AI in our classrooms, ensuring our educators have the right tools and policies to enhance learning without compromising academic integrity.

Moreover, I stand firmly against any form of censorship that stifles intellectual freedom. Our students deserve a curriculum that broadens their horizons, not narrows them. I will fight to maintain a 'Freedom of Thought' within our schools, advocating against book banning and other forms of educational restriction.

I also understand that a healthy learning environment is crucial. That's why I aim to guarantee that all our schools maintain the highest standards of air and water quality, ensuring a safe, conducive setting for education.

Throughout my career and personal life, I've been the mediator, the listener, and the quick thinker. These skills, combined with my technical expertise, will help me serve effectively on the school board.

Together, we can ensure our schools are safe, inclusive, and equipped for the future. I ask for your vote to help bring about these necessary changes for our children and our community.

Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Ryan Berkley


  • Tech-Forward Education

    In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) and technology are reshaping our world, it's crucial that our educational systems evolve to keep pace. As a former programmer with a B.S. in Computing, I understand the importance of not just adapting to AI but leveraging it to enhance educational outcomes. Here’s how I plan to champion "Tech-Forward Education":

    • Collaborative Policy Development: I will initiate discussions with educators to identify effective uses of AI that support student learning, retention, and outcomes. Understanding what works and what doesn’t is key to crafting policies that truly benefit our students.
    • Enhancing Learning with AI: AI should be viewed as a tool to augment the educational process, not replace it. By integrating AI, we can help teachers create more engaging and personalized learning experiences that can adapt to the individual needs of students.
    • Ongoing Teacher Training: Implementing new technologies means committing to continuous learning. I propose quarterly training sessions to keep our educators up-to-date with the latest technological tools and teaching methodologies. This will be a marathon, not a sprint, requiring ongoing support and feedback.

    These steps will ensure our district not only adapts to the challenges of modern technology but thrives, preparing our students for a future where they are not just consumers of technology but creators and innovators.

  • Right to Read

    In our community, every family has the right to choose what is best for their children, including the books they read. As a candidate for the Johnson City School Board, I am committed to upholding this principle by advocating for policies that promote intellectual freedom and resist efforts to ban books. Here’s how I plan to support the "Right to Read":

    • Constructive Policy Advocacy: Rather than merely acting as a barrier against book bans, I will proactively advocate for policies that ensure students have access to a broad range of books that are appropriate and enriching for them. This includes establishing clear guidelines that support educational diversity and intellectual exploration, while respecting the roles of parents in guiding their children's reading choices.
    • Parental Responsibility: The responsibility of deciding what children read should rest with their parents, not the state or other individuals. As a father of two, I believe in setting age-appropriate guidelines based on individual maturity, not blanket censorship. This respects the rights of all parents to guide their children's education as they see fit.
    • Benefits of Diverse Materials: Exposure to a broad range of books and materials is crucial for developing empathy and understanding. Studies and expert opinions, such as those from the American Library Association, show that students benefit from seeing themselves and others represented in their reading materials. This diversity in literature not only enhances learning but also helps students engage more deeply with the world around them.

    By promoting "Right to Read," we ensure that our schools remain places of learning and discovery, where students can explore a wide array of perspectives and grow into well-rounded individuals.

  • Breathe Easy Initiative

    Ensuring that our students learn in environments with clean, healthy air is not just a preference—it's a necessity. As a Certified Air Filtration Specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the Johnson City School Board, with a deep understanding of how air quality directly impacts student health and cognitive function. Here's how I propose to champion the "Breathe Easy Initiative":

    • Comprehensive Evaluations: I plan to conduct thorough evaluations of the ventilation, filtration, and air quality systems in each school. This will help us understand current capabilities versus recommended standards, and identify schools that require urgent upgrades to improve air quality.
    • Targeted Upgrades and Monitoring: Based on these evaluations, we will prioritize modifications and enhancements within available budgets to ensure all schools meet essential air quality standards. Additionally, I propose the installation of advanced monitoring equipment to continually assess the effectiveness of our air systems and ensure they remain in optimal condition.
    • Maintenance and Sustainability: Leveraging the expertise of our school board's maintenance division, we will maintain a systematic approach to air quality management. This includes keeping a robust inventory of necessary parts and systems to prevent any downtime and ensure continuous protection of our students' learning environments.
    • Addressing Immediate Concerns: Immediate action will be taken in schools, particularly older buildings, where air quality measurements indicate elevated levels of CO2 and particulates. Ensuring all areas of our schools have adequate ventilation is crucial for maintaining the cognitive function and health of our students.

    By implementing the "Breathe Easy Initiative," we aim to ensure that every classroom in our district supports the best possible learning outcomes by providing the cleanest air. This commitment to environmental health is a key component of fostering an educational setting where all students can thrive.

Get Involved

A Campaign is only as strong as its team of volunteers. Whether its 10 minutes of your time, or $10 - every bit counts. Please help us elect Ryan to the Johnson City School Board and ensure our students are set up for success!

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